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The Underground Railroad takes the Stage, bringing History to Children

What better time than during Black History Month to teach kids today about the Underground Railroad? That’s just what the traveling theater group, Bright Star Touring Theater, thought when they came up with the idea for their show, “Heroes of the Underground Railroad.” During the show, two actors take this very difficult and complicated subject matter and tailor it to school-aged children. The show is entertaining and educational, and is truly something the entire family can enjoy!

The shows two performers, Kaurie Daniels and Travis Emery, take on the roles of six different characters: Harriet Tubman, Levi Coffin, Henry “Box” Brown, and John Parker to name a few that were monumental in the success of the Underground Railroad. As they take to the stage and re-enact traveling the different routes to safe houses along the “Railroad” way, the story unfolds about how badly slaves were treated in the late 1800s, and the heroic measures they, and the abolitionists that supported them, took to escape the life of slavery.

To get children even more involved and educated about this meaningful time in American history, there is a question and answer period at the end of every show. But this show isn’t just about kids. While it’s especially made for school-aged children in grade three and higher, all of the parents that come love taking the time to hear a story they haven’t heard in years, and to brush up on their history.

If you want to learn more about the Underground Railroad including the secret that were used along the way, and the true danger that both the slaves and the abolitionists put themselves at risk for, visit the Orange County Main Library, where the show is running until March 31, 2012. It’s the seventh year that the show has returned, and it becomes more popular every year. Get your tickets now and embark on an afternoon of fun and history, all wrapped into one!

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