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The Phantom of the Opera Ignites Passion

Just the words “The Phantom of the Opera” are enough to grab people’s attention! Almost everyone today knows this iconic story in one form or another. The most famous, of course, is Andrew Lloyd Webber’s interpretation with its breathtaking scenes, songs, and emotions. If you are going to be in the New York area, be sure not to miss out on your chance to see the play at the Majestic Theatre.

The original story dates back to over 100 years ago. The story Le Fantôme de l’Opéra was written by Gaston Leroux, and reached limited success at the time. It did, however, get turned into the iconic 1925 film that shocked audiences of the day. This, in turn, inspired the famous Andrew Lloyd Webber musical. In February 2012, the musical had its 10,000th performance on Broadway, and the year 2013 will mark the 25th anniversary for the show playing at the Majestic Theatre. My how time flies! The good news is that the songs and the magic don’t age, and are still as amazing as ever.

The Phantom of the Opera musical can be hard to describe to those that have never seen it, other than simply to say, “you must see it!” When the titular song is sung and the phantom sings out “Sing for me!” and Christine hits the high note, well, it is hard not to get goose bumps! Feeling both the fear and heartbreak for the poor Phantom is also a must for all those who love a tragic love story or a good unrequited romance. The amazing colors, costuming and sound of “Masquerade” are also never to be forgotten. We won’t mention the chandelier scene for those who still don’t know and prefer to be surprised…

There is a reason this is the longest running show in the history of Broadway! If you have never seen it, then you are in for an amazing night that you won’t soon be able to forget. If you have already seen it, then you already know, but reliving the experience is still as breathtaking now as the first time. Get your tickets today and be a part of the 25th anniversary celebration!

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