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Sandy Impacts Broadway, “Glengarry” Hardest Hit

When Hurricane Sandy blew through New Jersey and New York last week, one of the many ramifications she left behind was the cancellation of many Broadway shows. Most shows only suffered a few days of darkness before bringing the lights back up and stating that the show must go on. Glengarry Glen Ross though, one of this season’s most highly-anticipated shows, has pushed back its opening night by an entire month.

When Jeffrey Richards, one of the lead producers on the play, announced that Glengarry would be postponed, he stated that three rehearsals for the play had to be cancelled; and that Thanksgiving also falls in this month, and Richards didn’t want to interfere with the holiday. However, Richards has faced some serious criticism in his decision to delay the opening.

Glengarry has already run almost half of its previews, meaning that it’s been running on Broadway for several weeks now, and several critics have had the chance to see it (and write about it.) Critics, mostly other Broadway producers, claim that the cancellation is one of convenience, as it gives Glengarry more time to garner more ticket sales after receiving rave reviews.

Richards says that’s not the case and that the decision about “delaying opening night is a logistical issue more than anything else.” He also stated that the play isn’t ready to be “frozen” just yet — the time when directors determine that no more changes will be made — and that Sandy was the reason for the delay.

Glengarry Glen Ross was scheduled to officially open this weekend, on November 11. That has now been pushed back to December 8. The good news for disappointed theater-goers is that the run will also be longer due to the postponement, running until January 20, 2013.

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