Four women at a lingerie sale at Bloomingdale’s might not have much in common if it were not for “Menopause the Musical.” This unseemly group, made up of an aging actress, an old hippie, a naive housewife and an executive! This group bonds as they fight over a black lace bra and parody their way through heated discussions about memory loss, chocolate cravings, hot flashes, night sweats, aging, too little sex and much more!
This show well may be the only thing that is funny about menopause, but these ladies are “laugh out loud funny” and will have you cheering them on and even dancing in the aisles as they belt out parodies of some of the classic songs 60s, 70s and 80s.
As the women go from floor to floor, they explore various aspects of the change and end up forming a sisterhood. The professional woman talks about becoming forgetful. The soap star bemoans about the perception of beauty. The naive housewife worries about the few extra pounds she has packed on. When mood swings happen at the old hippie’s house, her husband frequently disappears.
Audience members may not know the songs, but all 26 of them will sound familiar. “Staying Alive” is redone as “Staying Awake” and “Chain, Chain, Chain” becomes “Change, Change, Change.” Most pre- and every post-menopausal woman can relate to “Don’t Say Nothing Bad About My Body.” When the fatigue hits (and it will), it’s easy to slip into “Puff, My God, I’m Dragging.” The highlight song has to be “Good Vibrations” which has absolutely nothing to do with what the Beach Boys originally intended.
This show is perfect for men and women. It gives men a glimpse into this foreign world and allows women to laugh — and sing — about life’ changes. Get your Menopause the Musical tickets today for a show near you!