You love watching Jackie Hoffman on television in The New Normal, and now you can watch her at New World Stages putting on her annual A Chanukah Carol.
As the name suggests, A Chanukah Carol is a take on Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol but it’s done in a whole new way. Being raised in a Jewish family, Hoffman puts on a one-woman show that is partly autobiographical, partly nostalgic, and all hilarious. Throughout the performance Hoffman is visited by the Ghosts of Chanukah Past, Present, and Future; as well as an appearance by Molly Picon.
Just like Ebenezer, she’s searching for herself, preferably by way of a rich famous Hollywood star, only to find that there’s really no joy at all in her life. What stands in its place is a sad, ruthless woman that will do anything to get what she wants; and that makes Scrooge look like one of Santa’s elves.
Hoffman has a number of Broadway and off-Broadway credits already under her belt, with her most successful role being the one she donned in Hairspray; the role that won her the Theatre World Award.
A Chanukah Carol has been written by Jackie Hoffman and Michael Schiralli; and Schiralli also sits in the director’s chair on this one, too. Performances started December 8, Chanukah Eve, and they’re running through until December 29th at the theater on 340 West 50th Street. Theater-goers look forward to this all year long and tickets won’t last long, so get yours today!