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There is more than One Direction

The UK boy band has been making hearts throb, heads bob, and girls scream ever since they appeared on the UK’s X-Factor two years ago. Now though, they have run into their first bit of legal trouble, as a California band, also called One Direction, is suing them over trademark infringement of their name.

The California version of One Direction has been a band since at least February 2011, when they recorded their first album, The Light. While the record was produced after the One Direction that we all love and know appeared on the TV show, legal representatives for the California band are stating that the UK band used the name with full knowledge that it was already in use. Lawyer Peter Ross said, “rather than change their name or do anything to create confusion or avoid damage to our goodwill, they chose to press ahead and come on their tour.”

The UK band’s lawyers though, are singing a different tune, saying that they did in fact try to settle the matter, but the US band wasn’t willing to cooperate. Syco, the record label for the UK One Direction band released a statement of their own saying, “There is a dispute with a local group in California about the ownership of the One Direction name in the U.S. One Direction’s lawyers now have no choice but to defend the lawsuit and the band’s right to use their name.”

A decision hasn’t been made yet but since the California band did not register to have their name trademarked until February 2011, it’s unlikely that they hold the sole right over the UK band. What are they asking for though? One million dollars in cash, and three times what the UK band has made during their career so far.

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