There’s a lot of controversy flying around about the cancelled Australian leg of Madonna’s “MDNA Tour.” Madge’s camp is saying that the dates down under hadn’t yet been confirmed; while those in the Australian press are saying that stadiums in both Sydney and Melbourne had already been booked for the Queen of Pop. The cancellation may have gone a bit more unnoticed, had Madonna’s reps issued a less confusing statement; and if Madonna would give a reason why she’s ditching Australia for her third tour in a year.
When the cancellation was announced a spokesperson for Madonna said, “Madonna’s tour will end in South America in December as planned. That’s all we can say. Unfortunately it didn’t work out for this tour. She appreciates her Aussie fans coming to many of the shows.”
But if that’s all they can say, why make a point of saying it all? And if the Australia dates had yet to be booked, why did an announcement have to be made saying that they were in fact, not going to be. Some fans took to Twitter to announce their disappointment, and the fact that Madge hasn’t touched down lately in the land of Oz hasn’t gone unnoticed.
“Madonna fans Australia-wide, myself included, are sad beyond belief,” writes one fan. “She hasn’t been here in my lifetime.” But Moss and Madonna fans alike can relax; it turns out they may not even be missing much.
Fans walked out by the hundreds in Madonna’s recent London concert, calling it the “worst gig ever” on their way out and again, taking to Twitter as they did so. Bad sound, a mishmash of songs they’d never heard, and bad weather in an open-air arena were the reasons given, but Madonna certainly didn’t help herself. Between shouting out “We love you Poland!” during the London concert, mooning the audience, and leaving early, Madonna doled out a lot of disappointment along with her lesser-known tunes.
What’s in store for the rest of Madonna’s “MDNA Tour?” With this one, you never know. But she’s definitely not going to Australia.