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John Mayer is Back, and he’s Going on Tour!

It was mid-2011 that John Mayer announced he had to take a hiatus from music to a granuloma or rather, a growth on his vocal chords. After delaying the release of his album, “Born and Raised,” and cancelling many concerts, it was decided that in October of 2011, rest was no longer enough and Mayer needed surgery. Since that time, he’s kept a very low-profile as he recovers, but 2013 certainly seems to be his year. Promoting the album that was eventually released in 2012, Mayer’s going on nationwide tour this year, and he may be celebrating his music in a way like never before.

“My dreams were in escrow,” he told Billboard in a recent interview. “But when I found out this thing in my throat had receded, the most exciting thing for me was having a second chance at a new life.”

The “Born and Raised” tour will take Mayer to over 40 cities, starting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on July 6, 2013. From there some of Mayer’s will travel throughout the U.S., with only one Canadian stop in Toronto on August 14, 2013. In September Mayer will make two stops in South America before coming back to the States later in the month. He’ll then spend one more week stopping in Phoenix., and Albuquerque. The tour will officially wrap on October 5 in Los Angeles.

For a full listing of tour dates and venues you can find them on John Mayer tickets page on TicketSupply.com. And in the meantime, get your tickets! After such a long and dramatic hiatus, these ones won’t be along very long!

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