If you watched the Golden Globes on Sunday night, you got to see Madonna accept her award for her Best Original Song, “Masterpiece.” You may have also seen fellow nominee, Elton John, sitting in the crowd trying to burn her off the stage with his eyes. It didn’t work, as Madge continued to thank everyone and trot off-stage. But if Elton’s fierce look didn’t show us what he was thinking his husband, David Furnish, came right out and said so after the awards were over.
Furnish took to Facebook soon after posting, “Madonna wining Best Original Song truly shows how these awards have nothing to do with merit. Her acceptance speech was embarrassing in its narcissism. And her criticism of Gaga shows just how desperate she really is.” The former part of the rant alludes to the rumors that were floating around that “Masterpiece” didn’t win because it’s a great song, but because the Golden Globes wanted her to be there as a presenter and so gave her the win as a bonus. This falls in line with general public opinion, which seems to be that the song is not very good.
The latter part is in obvious reference to the interviews Madonna gave last week while promoting her film “W.E.” In those interviews, Madonna called Gaga’s song “Born This Way” to Madge’s own song, “Express Yourself,” saying that it was “an interesting redo of my song,” and also called the song “reductive.”
Madonna was a little more gracious after accepting her award saying, “He’s been known to get mad at me so I don’t know. He’s brilliant and I adore him so he’ll win another award. I don’t feel bad!”