There are a few people in this world that don’t like Donald Trump and now, you can probably add Lady Gaga to the list.
It was in July 2008 when Lady Gaga appeared at the Miss Universe pageant, and it’s this concert performance that The Donald thinks can be attributed to Gaga’s entire career. As he writes in his book, Time to Get Tough: Making America #1 Again, Trump writes, “maybe she became a star because I put her on the Miss Universe Pageant. It’s very possible, who knows what would have happened without it, because she caused a sensation. I really believe I had at least something to do with it.”
Really? Fans (and the general public) seem to believe that Lady Gaga causes a stir wherever she goes, and that she most likely would have reached stardom regardless of whether or not she performed at the pageant. And, let’s not forget that the song had already been released for three months before the pageant took place. And it’s not like Gaga saw a huge overnight jump in stardom either, after the pageant was over. While “Just Dance,” (the song performed during the Pageant,) was a hit during the summer of 2008, it didn’t reach #1 status on the Billboard charts until January of 2009. So it’s hard to say that Trump is solely responsible.
But who knows? Donald Trump has had a hand in the success of many, so maybe this one appearance by Lady Gaga really did something for her fame. And it’s not like Trump is taking credit for every single thing that Lady Gaga has done. He’s simply saying that he may have been part of her rise to the top. Is he right?