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Big Boi from OutKast Arrested on Drug Charges

The well-known rapper, Big Boi, from the band OutKast was just returning home from a cruise at 1:25 p.m. yesterday afternoon when he was stopped by customs officers at the Miami border.

The officers, along with their Border Patrol dogs, inspected the contents of Big Boi’s luggage to find that the rapper was carrying MDMA, the ingredient used to make the drug ecstasy, ecstasy pills, and illegal Viagra pills. Big Boi was arrested at the scene on three charges of drug possession, and one charge of possession of drug paraphernalia. After paying a $16,000 bond, Big Boi was released.

Daniel Kane, Big Boi’s attorney, made a statement saying that Big Boi was traveling with friends at the time, and that the amount of contraband found was very small. Kane said in the same statement that he’s sure his client will be completely exonerated of all charges once all the facts are aired.

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