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Are You in Justin Bieber’s New Video?

Justin Bieber loves his fans, and he’s constantly making efforts to show them off and tell them just how much he appreciates them. In his latest video for All Around the World, he features them in clips, standing in lines, screaming at shows, posing for pictures, and otherwise loving their heartthrob. When the cameras are turned off of the fans, you can watch the Biebs in concert, hanging out in his downtime, and lots of behind-the-scenes footage from the tour.

As you would expect from the song’s title, some of the best clips in the video contain video footage from some of the coolest places Justin has seen along the way of the tour. The Egyptian pyramids, the Sydney opera house, the Eiffel Tower, and the Colesseum in Rome are just a few of the most notable global landmarks that you’ll find in the video. Each landmark clip it seems, also has a matching clip of fandom in that city.

Of course Ludacris has a fairly big part, rapping one of the verses and then providing support for the remainder of the song. Fans of the rapper won’t be disappointed, as Ludacris appears on stage with Justin Bieber about halfway through the video, and continues to make appearances throughout.

The video has only been on YouTube for four days and it’s already received over 5 million views. You can check it out here and tell us what you think!

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