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Colin Mochrie is This Week’s Winner!

It’s been a long time since you’ve heard either Clive Anderson or Drew Carey mutter those words, but once you heard them, there was very little argument. Sure, the points never mattered on Whose Line Is It, Anyway? and the logic in the way that the host awards the fake points was always absurd. Still, whenever comedian Colin Mochrie received the win, nobody could possibly object. The man was just bloody hilarious!

In the company of performers like Ryan Stiles, Wayne Brady, and if you go back that far, Mike McShane, Tony Slattery and Greg Proops, that is an impressive achievement. They don’t breed them like Colin Mochrie anymore. This Canadian-Scottish actor is an iconoclast, a scholarly wit and a slapstick comedian all in one sitting.

After a long career of auditions, bit parts and theater, he earned mainstream fame on Whose Line Is It, Anyway?, both the British version and the U.S. version. He has stated before that his favorite sketches were “Scenes From a Hat”, which was an interactive segment co-written by random audience members in the crowd. He also stated that the “Hoedown” sketch (which featured the task of creating improvised funny and catchy songs) was his weakest point and caused him great trepidation. (Just watch the old episodes and crack up when he so desperately talks the lyric instead of singing them!)

So what happened after WLIIA? Mochrie is still alive and still funny, and has actually been touring across North America showcasing his comedy and improvisational skills. Mochrie often works with fellow WLIIA alumni Brad Sherwood in a two-man stage show. It is sometimes referred to as “An Evening with Colin and Brad.” The show was so successful that it spawned a DVD of the duo’s best performances.

However, even when Mochrie doesn’t have his improv friends to fall back on, he is still one of the funniest human beings you will ever have the privilege of giggling to. He brings a certain childlike innocence to all of his performances, all the while approaching comedy with that caustic tone that could only come from a Canadian smart-ass and veteran of the comedy stage.

To see him in person is a delight! And Clive is delighted to say that the winner for the show is Colin Mochrie who will be reading the credits in the style of a funny man who cannot hoedown!

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